Chat With a Professor - Department of Modern and Classical Language and Literature

    Students who choose a major in the Department of Modern and Classical Language an Literature learn another language, explore other cultures, and take your place as a leader and in an increasingly interconnected world. Students can major in modern languages and literature and choose from concentrations in French, German, Russian or Spanish. If you have any questions in the meantime, contact the department at

    MajorsModern Languages and Literature (Concentrations in French, German, Russian and Spanish)

    Please complete the form below to schedule your appointment to chat with a professor.

    Birthdate *
    Birthdate *
    Mailing Address *
    Mailing Address *

    Select the concentrations of interest. (Check all that apply)

    Select the concentrations of interest. (Check all that apply)

    What form of communication do you prefer for this meeting?
    What form of communication do you prefer for this meeting?
    Which day is best for you? (Check all that apply. The department will try to find a time that matches your preferences.)
    Which day is best for you? (Check all that apply. The department will try to find a time that matches your preferences.)
    What time is best for you? (Check all that apply)
    What time is best for you? (Check all that apply)
    Who will be attending the meeting?
    Who will be attending the meeting?
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